Top 10 Tips and Tricks for Better Coffee

Coffee doesn’t always make work better, but you can definitely work to get better coffee. From four-cup hotel machines to French presses, from home-roasted beans to decorative foam—we’ve got a wealth of tips for enjoying a better cup.

  1. Buy good coffee beans. Preferably whole beans, sustainably farmed, and roasted within the past few weeks.
  2. Grind your coffee just before brewing. They say, “it’s the number one thing you can do to improve your coffee at home.”
  3. Store your coffee properly. Keep the coffee in an airtight container, away from sunlight. Try to avoid freezing the beans, unless they’re going to linger for more than two weeks.
  4. Use a good amount of coffee, and the right proportion of coffee to water. The ideal is what they call “The Golden Ratio,” 17.42 units of water to 1 unit of coffee.
  5. Find the right grind size for your coffee beans and aim for a uniform grind.
  6. Control the temperature of your water. Keep it somewhere between 195 and 202 degrees. Boiling water can sour the coffee.
  7. If you get really skilled, you can agitate the coffee during the brewing to control the taste.
  8. Focus on technique. And once you learn the right technique, make sure you’re precise and consistent.
  9. Use quality tools. Buy the right bean grinder and coffee maker. Make a good investment in your coffee drinking future.
  10. When experimenting with the brewing process, adjust only one variable at a time so you can accurately track results.
